On 4 February my department, the School of ICT of Fontys University of Applied Sciences, organises its annual symposium ICT In Practice. This year it will beĀ online for well-known reasons. Get inspired by practice-based research on topics like Artificial Intelligence, Data Services, Robots and Applied Games. Contributions will be presented in English. Participation is free, but requires registration on the website of the symposium. Here you also can find more information.
I have organized two sessions under the theme Human Capital. In the session Micro-credentialing and Open Badges, the analysis Towards a European approach to micro-credentials of the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sports and Culture of the European Commission will be presented by the lead author, Dominic Orr (Adj. Prof. for Educational Management, Nova Gorica University in Slovenia). Henk van de Heuvel (Fontys) will reflect on the consequences and opportunities of this analysis for Fontys and Cees van Tilborg will give a presentation about a first implementation of open badges in the programme of Fontys School of ICT.
The second session is devoted to the value of a Community of Practice for the sustainable creation and sharing of open educational resources. Findings and future directions of an initiative in the field of Nursing will be discussed between project leader Marja Versantvoort (Fontys) and myself, led by discussion leader Ben Janssen (OpenEd Consult). Special attention will be paid to the value of connecting working professionals to such a Community of Practice, their role and how to accomplish that. Background information about this initiative is available here (in Dutch).
In both sessions, participants can discuss with the presenters about the opportunities and challenges they identify.