Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
As part of a virtual Happy Christmas wish for our colleagues at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, School of ICT, my colleague Leontien van Rossum and me have created a crossword puzzle about OER (so a crosswOERd puzzle). In this puzzle we aim to inform and educate our colleagues about OER. Especially our new colleagues, whom we have never met in real life due to the pandemic, will hopefully get inspired to dive deeper into the topic. The items in the puzzle address the very basic stuff (the meaning of the acronym OER, the 5R’s, Creative Commons licenses), some history, specific Dutch oriented topics (two national platforms), where to get support and open pedagogy as an advanced topic. We have also added some resources to find more information. These resources also contain the solutions of the items. After correctly solving the puzzle, some designated characters in the solutions form our wish.
The puzzle is available here. And I want to take the opportunity to wish you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous 2022.